Current Inventory List

See Photos Below

Agave americana Century Plant 5g-15g 24" box

Agave angustifolia ‘Marginata’ Caribbean Agave. 3-20 gal

Agave Blue Glow1. 5-20 gal. 24" box

Agave Murphey Rodney 20 gal

Agave 'Ray of Light '10-20 gal

Alluaudia procera. Madagascar ocotillo. 15 gal 24 box

Aloe aculeata, blue form 15gal

Aloe barberae 15gal to 72 box

Aloe dichotoma. Quiver Tree 10gal

Aloe plicatilis Fan Aloe 15gal to 36" box

Aloe excelsa. Zimbabwe Aloe 36" to 60" box

Aloe 'Hercules' 15gal to 84" box.

Aloe vaombe Malagasy Tree Aloe 20 gal sm

Aloe marlothii. Mountain Aloe. 24" to 60" box

Aloe plicatilis, Kumara plicatilis Fan Aloe. 15gal to 36" box

Aloidendron ramosissimum Maiden's Quiver tree. 15gal to 36" box

Aloe 'Rooikappie. 'Little Red Riding Hood. 1 & 3 gal

Aloe spectabilis. 15gal.

Aloe speciosa. Tilt Head Aloe 20gal to 24" box

Aloe thraskii. Dune Aloe. 24" box

Aloe tongaensis "Medusa". 24"-72

Aloe vaombe Malagasy Tree Aloe 20 gal

Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail Palmlarge specimens Butia capitata Jelly Palm 36" to 60" box.

Chamaerops humilis. Mediterranean fan palm. 48" to 60" box

Cycas revoluta Sago Palm 15g to 60" box

Dasylirion longissimum Mexican Grass Tree. 15 gal to 60" box

Dracaena draco Dragon Tree. 24" to 72" box

Furcraea macdougaliiMacDougall's Century Plant. 15 gal -24" box

Furcraea selloa marginata. 15 gal.

Myrtillocactus geometrizans Crested Elite Crested Blue Candle Cactus. 10 gal

Nolina nelsonii Blue Nolina. 10 gal

Pachypodium lamerei Madagascar Palm. 15-20 gal to 60" box

Trachycarpus fortunei Windmill palm 36" to 60" box

Agave Blue Glow

Agave 'Blue Glow' 15-20 gal (2).JPG

Agave angustifolia Marginata

Agave Lophantha Qaudricolor

Agave murpheyi “Rodney”

Agave Ray of Light

Agave Ray of Light

Agave americana

Aloe aculeata blue form

Aloe dichotoma

Aloe Hercules


Aloe Hercules

Aloe Hercules flower.JPG
42in box aloe hercules.JPG

Aloe tonganesis “Medusa”

Aloe medusa.JPG
Aloe banesii-'Medusa  24 in box.JPG

Aloe spectabilis

Aloe Marlothii


Aloe Speciosa

# 17 Aloe speciosa 20gal. 4'.JPG
# 17 Aloe speciosa flower.JPG

Aloe Excelsa

10ft aloe excelsa.JPG

Aloe Thraskii

# 3 Aloe thraskii 24in, 4'.JPG

Aloe Vaombe

# 26 Aloe vaombe 20gal. 3.0'.JPG
# 29 Aloe vaombe  20gal. 3.5'.JPG

Alluadia Procerea

Alluaudia procera 15 gal..JPG

Beaucarnea Recurvata

A - beaucarnea person.JPG
B- beaucarnea.JPG
Cycas Revoluta

Cycas Revoluta

Dasylirion Longissimum

Dasylirion longissimum.JPG

Dasylirion Longissimum

Dracena Draco

Draco w person.JPG

Encephalartos altensteinig

Encephalartos alteinsteinii.JPG
enc. altensteinii.JPG
2nd enc. altensteinii with guy.JPG

Furcrea Macdougalii

Furcraea macdougalii 36 in. box.JPG

Furcraea selloa marginata

Myrtillocactus Geometrizans Crested Elite

Myrtillocactus Crested Elite 10 gal..JPG

Nolina Nelsonii

Pachypodium Lamerei

Pachypodium lamerii 15g.JPG
Pachypodium lamerii 20 gal..JPG